
Vericare is the premier provider of comprehensive behavioral healthcare to elderly residents in long- term care and rehabilitation facilities in 12 regions across the U.S. Even though the company was well established and had been operating for nearly 20 years, it did not have the visibility among its key constituencies it desired which impacted its ability to attract and retain high value behavioral healthcare practitioners. In addition, the company’s clinical model refocus needed to be communicated.

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the challenge

Create a branding identity for the company, as well as an employment branding platform.

Develop and implement communication initiatives that would help attract and retain the psychologists, psychiatrists, advanced practice nurses and licensed clinical social workers who provide behavioral healthcare to the elderly population Vericare serves in partnership with more than 950 facilities in the U.S.

Communicate Vericare’s clinical model refocus, emphasizing the company’s expanded areas of expertise and strengths to current and prospective behavioral healthcare providers, current partner facilities, future partners and prospective acquisition targets.

our solution

Conducted focus groups with Vericare healthcare providers and field managers nationwide.

Identified core values and created corporate and employment branding messaging and tagline- Excellence and Integrity in Clinical Healthcare.

Created new visual branding platform in collaboration with Halogen Design Lab.

Completely redesigned company website and created all new content to communicate the company’s current areas of expertise, employment opportunities (including educational and professional development opportunities), philosophy and mission, history, business opportunities and information for facilities and families.

Created compelling candidate collateral to attract healthcare professionals to the company.

Developed informative and engaging direct response materials for ongoing campaign to attract and retain high value talent.

When the company expanded its clinical focus two years after our initial branding launch, we built upon our corporate and employment branding strategies and expanded key themes and narrative to communicate these changes to key stakeholders.

Edited and produced a comprehensive Clinical Resource Guide for use by behavioral healthcare practitioners.

Launched communication initiatives including media relations outreach to reach target audiences.


In 2010 Vericare won Grand Prize and was named overall winner of the prestigious Workplace Excellence awards—the first time a company of their size did so. Company management credited mrktmix’s efforts with making a significant contribution to that recognition. The company’s recruiters reported that the new website and collateral materials effectively increased Vericare’s visibility, enabling them to streamline their recruiting process --saving the company time and money. Greater awareness among key constituencies also played a significant role in facilitating new business development for the company, which has allowed it to experience continual growth.

services utilized

  • Market Research
  • Brand Development
  • Website Creation + Content Development + Updates
  • Collateral Materials
  • Direct Response Campaign
  • e-blast Campaign
  • Special Events Support
  • Media + Public Relations